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Zhejiang Bastone
Technology Co.,Ltd.


Tel: +86 571 86711106
Fax: +86 571 86711106
Address: 291 Fucheng Road, Hangzhou, China

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PC/ABS Alloy
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Linear Low-Density Polyethylene (LLDPE granule)
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LDPE Granules (Low density polyethylene)
0 customer review
HDPE Granule (High-Density Polyethylene)
0 customer review
Virgin PET Resin/PET Granule
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Polypropylene (PP)
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Polycarbonate (PC)
0 customer review
Dimethyl Disulfide(DMDS)
Dimethyl Disulfide(DMDS)
0 customer review
Sodium Chlorate
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